Register with St. Michael's Parish
You can find our Mass Schedule here.
Saturday, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Please call our Paish Office to schedule baptism classes and baptism date.
(858) 487-4755
If you are visiting with us, we don't expect you to put money into the offering, and you are welcome to just let it pass you by. If you consider our parish your church home, we'd love for you to prayerfully consider giving to our parish on a weekly basis. You can give by check or cash during the service, or you can sign up for online giving here.
Please call our Parish Office at (858) 487-4755. We are happy to help you get the certificates you need.
St. Micheals is honored to hold a funeral for your loved one. Please call our Parish Office at 858-487-4755 Or click here to learn more
We love to pray for your intentions here at St. Michael's. Please come into our office during regular office hours to schudule a Mass intention.
Register with St. Michael's Parish
15546 Pomerado Rd
Poway, CA 92064
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