Virtual Vigil Candle

Virtual Vigil Light

Lighting the Way

Vigil Light Shrines have been a cherished way to offer prayers since the early church, when candles were lit at the tombs of saints and martyrs. During the Easter Vigil, the priest enters the darkened church with the Easter candle, singing “Christ, Be Our Light,” to which we respond, “Thanks be to God.” Lighting vigil candles signifies our faith in the Light of Christ, allowing us to petition our Lord or ask a saint to pray with us for specific intentions. The candle remains lit to symbolize our continuous prayer, even when we leave the church. "Vigil" comes from the Latin word vigilia, meaning "keeping watch."

Virtual Vigil Candle Request

We remember in prayer these loved ones:

Pope Francis, Charlene, Bill, Denise, Feddersen Jim, Elvira, Jose, & Huck

Jen, Mike, Bess, & Pabs

Ralph & Evelyn Anders

Niccolo Bantolo

Bryant C.

William Cordero

Flordeliza and Cooper Crisologo

Henry & Eileen Dhuyvetter

Dang Do

Erlinda & Leonardo Farol

Barbara & Michael Finneran

Charleen Frost

Macaria, Arman, Arnold Fuertes

Rafael G

Graciela Gilbert

Jennilyn & Junior Javien

Thanh Khong

Francisco Lee

CS John & Gloria Lee

Sa Luu

Marjorie & Dick McManus

Gerald V. Miller

Edna M. Miller

Hang Nguyen

Alejandra Noble

Ed Peffer

Richard Powers

Jackie Rochefort

Larry Shabe

Benigno Solis Sr.

Aurelio Reyno Jr.

Raffaela Vitulano

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